A Personal Thank You Walnut Ridge Vineyard

Born and raised in the Willamette Valley, I know the immediate area very well. Looking outside Eugene, there are so many areas I would love to travel. I see pictures of Belize and Croatia, Hawaii and Tahiti, Angel Falls in Venezuela, and the list goes on. Then, there is a realization that there is so much to see in Oregon that can be just as beautiful. The mountainous landscapes, Oregon beaches, the lakes of plenty and wilderness in all directions. My dad would say we were “An hour from ski level to sea level,” and he was right.

Sometimes I believe Oregon gets left behind when it comes to its beautiful and bountiful wines throughout the 36 counties. Hundreds of vineyards scatter across the state. There are some near and distant rural roads lined with wineries, all different in their own regard. Varietals of plenty. One immediate favorite for me is Walnut Ridge Vineyard in Junction City.

Before starting Northwest Vines, I had frequently stopped by their tasting room. I’ve always enjoyed the wines, the view, the tasting room, but most of all the quiet atmosphere. Never a Chardonnay fan, however Walnut Ridges’ disparate is smooth and buttery to the palate. The Pinot Noir is smooth and spot on with the Gamay is delicate and delightful on a cool evening to watch the sun fade.

In the early creation, I reached out to Walnut Ridge Vineyard. The tasting room hostess told me the owners are always interested in new markets and helping new and upcoming entrepreneurs. Speaking with Jim McGavin, he offered me my first case for sale. Excited at the opportunity, I couldn’t wait to go out there!

There is something to say about the ones that are there from the beginning, no matter how small the impact. It’s the little things that matter. The actions truly do speak larger than words. So in the end…

Thank you Jim and Wendy for the opportunity!